Friday, October 2, 2009

Welcome Autumn ( Winter????)

We woke up to quite a surprise on Thursday morning, a winter wonderland. It seems like just the other day I was waiting for some green, and now we are headed back into the winter season. Although today is absolutely beautiful, cold but beautiful. Blue skies and all of the aspens are gold and the chokecherries are red and Autumn is holding on tenaciously!


Danalin said...

Surprise is right! Aren't we just getting into fall? It is so beautiful, though. I love fresh snow! And I love the beauty where you live.

Sierra said...

I love fall colors with a winter coat :-) Even if it IS too early for snow!

Kaspermania said...

It's OK that it snowed on Thursday but could you be sure to turn the heat up in a couple of weeks? We'll be coming home and we don't want to freeze as a reward for coming home. I'm starting to feel a little chilly just thinking about the cold weather.

The Neads said...

seriously.. it snowed that much???